If the data is found locally in the temporary directory then this function will load the data into R. Otherwise if download_data = TRUE then the data will be retrieved from the specified URL. Data can then be saved to the temporary directory by specifying save = TRUE.

get_data(url = NULL, data_trans_fn = NULL, download_data = TRUE,
  save = TRUE, save_name = NULL, return = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
  use_utils = FALSE, use_direct_download = FALSE,
  retry_download = TRUE)



Character string, indicating the url of the data to download.


Function that takes a data.table as input and returns a single dataframe of any type. If not specified defaults to transforming the data into a tibble.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. If not found locally should the data be downloaded from the specified URL?


Logical, should the data be saved for reuse during the current R session. Defaults to TRUE. If TRUE then the data is saved to the temporary directory specified by tempdir.


Character string, name to save the data under. Defaults to NULL.


Logical, should the data be returned as a dataframe. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Should additional status and progress messages be displayed.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Used for testing alternative data download function. When TRUE data is downloaded using read.csv.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Used for testing alternative data download function. When TRUE data is downloaded using download.file.


Logical defaults to TRUE. When TRUE, if downloading fails, the function will try repeatedly to download the data within 3 seconds, up to 3 times.


The data loaded from a local copy or downloaded from the given url as a dataframe, exact format specified by data_trans_fn

See also

get_tb_burden get_data_dict


tb_burden <- get_data(url = "https://extranet.who.int/tme/generateCSV.asp?ds=estimates", save_name = "TB_burden")
#> Downloading data from: https://extranet.who.int/tme/generateCSV.asp?ds=estimates
#> Saving data to: /tmp/RtmpA3cD0E/TB_burden.rds
#> # A tibble: 6 x 50 #> country iso2 iso3 iso_numeric g_whoregion year e_pop_num e_inc_100k #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl> #> 1 Afghan… AF AFG 4 EMR 2000 20779953 190 #> 2 Afghan… AF AFG 4 EMR 2001 21606988 189 #> 3 Afghan… AF AFG 4 EMR 2002 22600770 189 #> 4 Afghan… AF AFG 4 EMR 2003 23680871 189 #> 5 Afghan… AF AFG 4 EMR 2004 24726684 189 #> 6 Afghan… AF AFG 4 EMR 2005 25654277 189 #> # … with 42 more variables: e_inc_100k_lo <dbl>, e_inc_100k_hi <dbl>, #> # e_inc_num <int>, e_inc_num_lo <int>, e_inc_num_hi <int>, #> # e_tbhiv_prct <dbl>, e_tbhiv_prct_lo <dbl>, e_tbhiv_prct_hi <dbl>, #> # e_inc_tbhiv_100k <dbl>, e_inc_tbhiv_100k_lo <dbl>, #> # e_inc_tbhiv_100k_hi <dbl>, e_inc_tbhiv_num <int>, e_inc_tbhiv_num_lo <int>, #> # e_inc_tbhiv_num_hi <int>, e_mort_exc_tbhiv_100k <dbl>, #> # e_mort_exc_tbhiv_100k_lo <dbl>, e_mort_exc_tbhiv_100k_hi <dbl>, #> # e_mort_exc_tbhiv_num <int>, e_mort_exc_tbhiv_num_lo <int>, #> # e_mort_exc_tbhiv_num_hi <int>, e_mort_tbhiv_100k <dbl>, #> # e_mort_tbhiv_100k_lo <dbl>, e_mort_tbhiv_100k_hi <dbl>, #> # e_mort_tbhiv_num <int>, e_mort_tbhiv_num_lo <int>, #> # e_mort_tbhiv_num_hi <int>, e_mort_100k <dbl>, e_mort_100k_lo <dbl>, #> # e_mort_100k_hi <dbl>, e_mort_num <int>, e_mort_num_lo <int>, #> # e_mort_num_hi <int>, cfr <dbl>, cfr_lo <dbl>, cfr_hi <dbl>, cfr_pct <int>, #> # cfr_pct_lo <int>, cfr_pct_hi <int>, c_newinc_100k <dbl>, c_cdr <dbl>, #> # c_cdr_lo <dbl>, c_cdr_hi <dbl>